NodeMCU+DS18B20+1.44TFT Screen

I have combined my first two NodeMCU projects into one working prototype. My Raspberry Pi Fridge Project is working fine but I always thought that the Raspberry Pi is an overkill for such a simple task. Components NodeMCU 1.44 TFT Screen DS18B20 Sensor For more details of my previous project, here are the links: NodeMCU…

NodeMCU & I2C OLED 128×64

This I2C ‘monochrome’ OLED display came today (17.8.2016). Cost me USD 2.87 (~ RM 12.00). I am going to pair this with the NodeMCU. Details White ‘monochrome’ OLED 2.7 cm x 2.7 cm 4 pins (GND, VCC, SCK, SDA) Installing this is easier than the 1.44 SPI TFT Screen. You only have 4 wires to contend…

1.44 SPI TFT Screen with NodeMCU

One of the problems of buying stuff from China is that some of the products you buy have no standard labeling. Let me introduce you to my latest buy from AliExpress. A small rectangular screen (actually it’s a square if you minus the pins on the sides), measuring 4 cm x 3 cm. It’s a…